Monday, March 18, 2013

If i were going to kill Caesar it would go like this. I would tell one of his close friends that Caesar was mad at him. While Caesar is on the way home him and his friend will start fighting in an alley. I would come out of no where wearing a black suit that covered my whole body and knock both of them out. I would then kill Caesar and leave. It would make it look like Caesars friend committed the crime.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Caged Bird

Melinda is like the two birds in the poem that read. First she is like the bird that isn't caged up. I say this because she feels free and is kinda out spoken. Then later on in the story Melinda is like the bird that is caged up. After she gets raped by Andy she isn't so much friends with the people that she used to be friends with. She acts depressed, her grades begin to drop, and her behavior isn't all that great.

Monday, March 4, 2013

In the high school life you hear about kids wanting to commit suicide. When you hear of this you begin to wonder why anyone would want to do something so horrible. Weather people want to do this because of friends, family, or something that is going on at school. These people need help. So if you know of anyone in this situation tell a teacher or maybe your parent. If you are in this situation think of all the people that this action would hurt. It might make you feel better but it does way more damage than fixing anything.